Our Services: All Your Tailoring Needs

From complete alterations to the final touches: Your garments are in the best hands at The Tailoring Room. You can trust our workmanship!

Our Basic Services

What we can do for you:

  •Wedding Dresses Alterations (Some Restrictions Apply, Call For Details)

  •Bridemaid Dresses Alterations

  •T-shirts Alterations

  •Sweater Alterations and Repairs

  •Pants Alterations

  •Shirts Alterations

Other Tailoring Services

  We offer:

    •Expert denim tailoring:

        •Taking in waist

        •Taper legs (keeping selvedge as requested)

        •Original hem

        •Patch work

        •Replace buttons

We have the tools to keep the finishings as original as possible

Pattern Making Services

  We offer:

    •Expert pattern making:


        •Pattern making

        •Sample creation

        •Production manufacturing

Sewing Training

  We offer:

    •Sewing training from basic to advanced:

        •Private sewing sessions

        •Small group sewing training